It's alright. While the concept is entertaining and the mechanics are implemented adequately, yhe game is still riddled with small glitches that severely detract from the game's overall appeal.
First and foremost, blocks will sometimes move as you land on them and, as a result, you will fall to your death.
If you come to a complete stop after walking, it is very difficult to accelerate again on the ground.
Sometimes your "rocket jump" counter isn't refilled when you land.
The "Strollin" guage once didn't deplete once activated.
Also, it feels like the game "plays itself." As 99% of the game is spent at great altitudes, it is really just chance which block you land on. Even if you were to see spiked blocks the instant they came on screen, you still would not have enough time to avoid them. That coupled with the "Strollin" and "Nyan Cat" creates a game almost non-reliant on user input.
Well, you get the point. I will say that this game has entertaining visuals and the inclusion of internet memes was interesting.