this one was better than the other ones u did, it wuz sort of funny, but still way too short!
this one was better than the other ones u did, it wuz sort of funny, but still way too short!
this one is better than the other two, i still think it should be longer
needs to be longer. needs better jokes.
i don't get it, garfield sets a trap to kill another cat? Wut wuz that all about? the toast wuz a little too randomtoo. and, Mario music? i'm not saying this flash is crud, i'm just saying it wuz pointless.
i like it
it wuz enjoyable to watch, but it really wuzn't funny. thts ok though, its had to make me laugh. what i really liked though wuz the music and the little opening game.
it wuz ok...the flash wuzn't all that interesting, but three things really caught my attention, (good things),
1. the first scene made me laugh alot, i just didn't see that coming at all.(as a little side note, it is really hard to make me laugh, but u did it, good job:)
2. i like the bowser things in each scene, at first i thought it would get old, but somehow, u pulled it off and made it funny each time.
3. good job on the graphics and sprite animation.
Wow! You are the ONLY person to ever say the Bowser laugh never got old! Glad to have caused a few laughs, man! Thanks for the excellent review.
Joined on 6/4/06